Martin Luthers Abenteuer App Review
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The Martin Luthers Abenteuer app brings children, teachers and parents into an exciting time machine trip back 500 years. The game enables them to gain insight into the life of Martin Luther and the reformation in a fun and interactive way. It is suitable for religions lessons as well as for play at home. The app is kind-gerecht vorbereitet and allows the kinder*innen to get an overview of important historical events in a child-friendly manner.
Throughout the games children can experience the development of Luther from a furchtsamen student to a mutigen Reformator, who brought Gottes Wort in the form of printed Bibelubersetzung unter das Volk zum Ausdruck. In addition, children can learn a lot about Luthers life and world in a fun way: For example, about the Ablassbriefe or about his 95 Thesen.
At the first station of the app, children are asked to help Martin to withstand the bewitching Blitzen. On the screen, a fieldweg and behind it a forest appear: tmänne, herrn, diese Blitzen machen mir große Angst. Hilf mir, diesen Gewitter zu erhalten! In the following stations, children can help Martin in various ways: